ASSESSORS MEETING MINUTES

                                                            JUNE 11, 2012


12:30 P.M.       Called meeting to order. Present: Paula B. Keefe, Ellen W. Abelson,

                        Richard B. Gorden and Mark J. Mazur.


1.                  The Board approved the minutes to our May 31, 2012 meeting.

2.         The Board reviewed the abatement application of the person scheduled to

            meet with them later in the meeting.


3.             The Board examined the Massachusetts Department of Revenue, Bureau

of Local Assessment proposed Fiscal Year 2012 Equalization Study.


1:00 P.M.         Taxpayer meeting with the owner of parcel 32-48


1:15 P.M.         Taxpayer meeting ended and meeting continued.


4.            Mr. Gorden was given a handout concerning a conflict of interest online

training program.


5.            The Board discussed a street numbering issue that came up for a property

on Morse Street.


6.           The Board discussed a pending Appellate Tax Board case. The Board

                       decided to stay with their current settlement offer.


7.            The Board decided to hold their next meeting on Thursday June 28, 2012

at 4:30 P.M.


1:30 P.M.         Adjourned